Facing every challenge together

At Aspirations we work to promote independence and purpose for the people we support who face various mental health related challenges.

Aspirations have extensive understanding of the Mental Health Act and help the people we support to navigate this as it can be a daunting and complicated process. We also have access to diagnosis-specific specialist training.

At Aspirations Care we are committed to:

  • Supporting people to lead active and positive lifestyles, successfully managing and stabilising their mental health, behaviours and associated support needs
  • Promoting positive risk taking to enable and empower individuals to become more independent and less reliant on professional support
  • Identifying and minimising early warning signs, risks of relapse and potential subsequent re-admission to hospital

Diagnoses include Schizophrenia, Bi-polar Disorder, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), Personality Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression or a combination of these diagnoses along with many others.

Key partners in mental health support

We work collaboratively with the following teams and professionals when supporting a person with a mental health diagnosis:

  • CMHT

    Community Mental Health Teams

  • CLDT

    Community Learning Disabilities Teams

  • Consultant Psychiatrists

    A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who has qualified in psychiatry in order to find the most effective management of mental health conditions.

  • Consultant Psychologists

    Consultant clinical psychologists offer a wide range of services that can vary based on their areas of expertise and chosen fields of practice. They have considerable experience and proven expertise, as demonstrated through examination by their Royal Colleges.

  • CPNs

    Community Psychiatric Nurses

  • Advocacy Agencies

    (including IMCAs)


    Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements

  • Professionals supporting holistic needs

    (Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, GPs, Speech & Language Therapy teams)

  • Case Manager

    Care/Case manager coordinates and provides care & support that is safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and person-centered on behalf of the local authority, CCG or they may work privately.

Continued multi-agency working helps those with risk behaviours to maintain their mental health and any conditions of discharge and/or prevent readmission.

Our Recovery Model

Aspirations provides a Recovery Model of Support to achieve positive outcomes in the following areas…

  • Supporting people to manage and maintain their mental health & associated risks
  • Promoting positive health choices and enabling the people we support to access healthcare when required
  • Supporting people to maintain the fabric and condition of their home as well as meeting the conditions of their tenancy agreements
  • Assisting and supporting people to be responsible tenants, helping them move along a pathway of supported housing
  • Supporting people to develop independent living skills including self-care, cooking, shopping, and cleaning
  • Supporting people to maximise their income and develop money management skills
  • Assisting people to access leisure, cultural & informal learning activities within the local community
  • Supporting people to explore and access work, training or volunteering opportunities
  • Supporting people to develop friendships & informal support networks
  • Assisting people with the process of applying for move-on housing and later, in organising moves to new properties